Quartz a gemstone of wonder - Sundara Joon

Quartz a gemstone of wonder

3 min reading time

This special gemstone offers such arrays of colors and has as many names. Its fascinated people since at least the ancient Greeks.

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This crystal comes from all over the world, namely: Brazil, Spain, Russia, Madagascar, India and the United States. It is one of the most abundant stones on earth, only feldspar is more common. It has a unique structure, formed within the Earth’s trigonal crystal system allowing clear quartz to absorb, store and regulate energy – it is a powerful healing tool.

Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder believed quartz to be water ice, permanently frozen after great lengths of time. He supported this idea by stating that while quartz is found near glaciers in the Alps, it is not on volcanic mountains. This idea persisted until at least the 17th century. He also showed the ability of quartz to split light into a spectrum.

In the 17th century, Nicolas Steno's study of quartz paved the way for modern crystallography. He discovered that regardless of a quartz crystal's size or shape, its long prism faces always joined at a perfect 60° angle.

Quartz is 7 on the Mohs scale for hardness and is considered brittle.

There are a few varieties of this special stone determined by its color:

  • Agate
  • Amethyst – you can read more here
  • Aventurine
  • Citrine
  • Chalcedony
  • Pink or Rose Quartz

Why is Quartz Special?

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Quartz has long been priced for its beauty and has been made into jewelry and carvings, primarily in Europe and Asia.

Quartz is considered a workhorse, thought to cleanse all chakras, protect against negative energies, and connect to a higher level of consciousness.

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Throughout history, clear quartz has held special significance in cultures across the globe. Ancient Greeks thought it was a form of permanent ice, and other cultures used it for healing and protection against negative energy and black magic. Clear quartz’s beauty and metaphysical properties have been highly respected by civilizations worldwide, making it an essential crystal in spiritual practices.


Its connection to the zodiac also holds significance, as clear quartz is known to empower Capricorn, Gemini, and Leo. This versatile crystal has been an essential part of human history, symbolizing a powerful connection between the physical and spiritual realms.


Because quartz crystals can vibrate at precise frequencies it is used in watches, radios and computers.

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How to Care for Quartz Jewelry:

 Use a soft cloth and gentle soap and water to clean the quartz. Avoid ultrasonic cleaners with this stone. Follow the cleaning with a soft dry cloth should do the trick.

 Try to prevent cosmetics, lotions, sunscreens from coming in contact with the stone.


Quartz is best kept in a dry, dark place away from direct sunlight.


Our artist friends here at Sundara Joon have been hard at work making some beautiful pieces incorporating this special stone. Check out their special jewelry for yourself.


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